
2007-2009 RACL Donors List

Listed below are those who donated or contributed through their company’s volunteer programs to RACL during 2007-2008 school year as well as those who have signed up their respective volunteer programs for the school year 2008-2009.  Many of the donors not only contributed their time and money, but also brought-in great spirits of volunteerism and a great amount of expertise, enthusiasm and compassion to our school.  We, all the teachers, students and staff at RACL, would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to all of our donors and supporters. Thank you for your support!Every attempt has been made to ensure the completeness and accuracy of this information.  However, we understand that omissions, inaccuracies and errors may still exist. If your name is missing from this list, please contact us.


CISCO: Volunteer Hour Matching Program*

杨建仁 Jianren Yang 王晓春 Alex Wang 邓志昂 Zhiang  Deng
韩    冰 Bing Han 郑  昱 Harry Zheng 叶  峰 Feng Ye
赵  京 Jing Zhao 周晓晖 Michael Zhou 陈  新 Linda  Chen
张  梅 Mei Zhang 王晓冬 Will Wang 丁意纯 Yichun Ding
曹宇光 Eugene  Cao 顾金华 Jinhua Gu 张雪萍 Sherry Duan
朱造峰 Jeffrey Zhu 张   禾 Helen Zhang Rebecca Zhu
泰晓榕 Xiaorong Tai Jing Shi 杨  毅  Yi Yang
Shuli Jin


GSK(GlaxoSmithKline): GIVE (GSK’s Investment in Volunteer Excellence)  www.easygive.com/gsk

钟湘源 Lucy Zhong 李  玲 Liling Warren 薛正宇 Zhengyu Xue
韩八斤 Bajin Han 谢石平 Shiping Xie 廖其明 Qiming Liao
钱    鹰 Ying Qian 张存瑜 Cunyu Zhang 沈英年 Yingnian Shen
马俊慧 Junhui Ma 付加荣 Jiarong Fu


SAS: Employee Volunteer Fund ($250 – $1000 each)

陈晓真 Jane Chen 范宇波 Yubo Fan 王惠芳 Huifang Wang
何太平 Taiping He 刘振荣 Zhenrong Liu 龚   青 Qing Gong
薛兰茜 LanChien Hsueh 刘  昆 Karen Liu 孙传忠 Charles Sun
郑向菲 Xiangfei Zheng 王天林 Tianlin Wang 周佳声 Jason Zhou
陶  捷 Jill Tao 杨志平 Jack Yang 陈霄雁 ShiauYen ChinDennis
张松华 Songhua Zhang 杨建平 Jianping Yang 朱晓航 Lois Zhu
孙    洪 Jennifer Zhang 王  葵 Kui Wang Yu-Wang Wang
唐   力 Lily Parham 侯  瑛 Ying Hou 周文文 Wenwen  Zhou
郑大可 Dake Zheng 钱    莉 Lily Qian Eng Pua
曾旭辉 Linda Zeng 董化瑞 Hua Rui Dong I-sah Hsieh


Talecris: Employee Volunteer Grant

严  定 Ding Yan


Personal Donors: (Including United Way Donors)**

谭    玲 Ling Tan 魏高荣 John Wei Z. Zhu
P. L. Zheng 乔文健 Wenjian Qiao 李  纲 Kang Lee
沈英年 Yingnian Shen 修爱军 Aijun Xiu G. N. Chia
杨建平 Jianping Yang 顾  微 Wei Gu Pell C. Cooper
王宵菲 Sophie Wang 蔡冠秀 Kuan Ho Junguo Zhao
段茂圣 Maosheng Duan Belinda Z Yu 陈   莉 Li  Chen
张海东 Haidong Chang Shuangquan Li Li LI
李     彤 Tong Li A. Z. Zhang Jie Xing

** We also received some anonymous donations from Duke, TUW, and GSK through United Way.