2018 Raleigh Academy of Chinese Language (RACL) Summer Camp
August 6th – August 10th, 2018
Building B, Apex Middle School, 400 E Moore St, Apex, NC 27502
Registration online at https://goo.gl/forms/9TYoTFJ1A7hHYw7X2
- Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) for Rising 3rd Grade
- SAT Class for Rising 7th Graders
- SAT and ACT Preparation Class for Grades 9-11
- What is reading? How to Succeed in College-Level Humanities Courses for Rising 12th Graders.
Dear Parents,
RACL will offer a week-long Summer Camp. The Camp is tentatively set as below and subject to change.
The slots are limited, please register you student as soon as possible. First come, first served!
Website: http://www.racl.org Email: summer_camp@racl.org
Period: 8/6 – 8/10, 2018
Hours: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM (lunch break 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM) daily
Drop-off time: 9:00 AM; Pick-up time: 4:00 PM
Location: Building B, Apex Middle School, 400 E Moore St, Apex, NC 27502
Lunch: Students should bring their own lunches.
Summer camp classes (each class detail description and introduction to instructor will be provided later):
- Crushing Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) for Rising 3rd Grade. All third graders in Wake County take CogAT, an aptitude test that helps to learn more about students’ strengths and weaknesses, which is also used for referral to the Academically or Intellectually Gifted (AIG) Program. Students scoring in the 85th percentile or higher on the CogAT will be offered a follow-up achievement test via the Iowa Test of Basic Skills. This summer camp focusing on CogAT preparation for the rising 3rd graders. It is also will be a fun camp for 1st/2nd graders to practice their creative thinking and reasoning abilities and enhance their vocabulary and reading skills. The camp will cover all three CogAT batteries together with some other fun activities
- SAT Class for Rising 7th Graders. The purpose is to help rising 7th graders prepare for the SAT test for programs such as the Duke University Talent Identification Program (TIP) and the Johns Hopkins University Center for Talented Youth (CTY). It is mainly focused on rising 7th graders; rising 6th and 8th graders are welcome too and they will also benefit from the Class. Will be taught by several NCSSM high-school students who have done very well on the SAT tests (>2300).
- SAT and ACT Preparation Class for Grades 9-11. Students to Prepare for the Reading and Writing (Grammar) Sections. Will be taught by Blair Yarborough, 7th Grade Language Arts Teacher, Daniels Global Studies Magnet Middle School.
- What is reading? How to Succeed in College-Level Humanities Courses for Rising 12th Graders. This summer camp workshop would be an introduction to the history of literature and the basic movements of literary interpretation. Students often enter the final years of high school and the start of college with a good enough grasp of the basics of reading–grammar, vocabulary, and syntax–and that might be why topics on essay writing have not attracted as many students. What students really need in order to capture the attention of admissions officers is to show that they understand the higher levels of reading and interpretation. The best way to learn those tools is through a broad survey of the history of literature. This course could be fun, informative, and collaborative, and I think it would be a good way to attract more students.
Registration fee: A $15 registration processing fee will be applied to students who register after July 20.
Tuition: $220 for Crushing Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) for Rising 3rd Grade
$220 for SAT Class for Rising 7th Graders;
$280 for SAT and ACT Preparation Class for Grades 9-11;
$280 for What is reading? How to Succeed in College-Level Humanities Courses for Rising 12th Graders
Registration method: online at https://goo.gl/forms/9TYoTFJ1A7hHYw7X2
Payment method: Please make check payable to Raleigh Academy of Chinese Language. Pay in office or mail to:
Attn: Summer Camp, RACL, P. O. Box 50375, Raleigh, NC 27650-6375
Refund: Refund 100% tuition if requested 4 weeks before the summer camp, 50% if requested the first day of the camp. No refund after first day of the camp. 退 款 办 法:开课前四周申请退费,学费100%退还。开课第一天申请退费, 学费50%退还。开课第二天申请退费,学费恕不退还。
RACL Summer Camp Committee