本周六, 04/11/2020,用来补02/08/2020 停的一次课。因为学校日历上2/08/2020 没有课外活动课,这次补课也就只补中文课,还是使用视频会议服务ZOOM正常远程授课。
由于 Zoom 自上周末开始的安全隐私保护措施的更新,每个学生的加入现在都需要老师确认批准,所以请所有学生务必提前几分钟加入班级会议,也好让各班老师统一地在短时间内处理完准入程序,进而准时开课。希望广大家长理解并配合老师、学生们的网络教学,于周六之前为自己的孩子上课准备好相应的电脑设备,并帮助孩子们进一步熟悉ZOOM的使用。各个班级的老师将于周六之前将各自的网课信息发送给每个注册学生,请每位家长务必在周六上午9:00 之前,检查邮件或班级微信群。
Hello All,
This Saturday, 04/11/2020 will be used to make up the Chinese classes of 02/08/2020. As no activity classes were orginally scheduled on that weenkend, there will be no activity classes on 04/11/2020. RACL will use tele-schooling for all Chinese classes.
Zoom enhanced its privacy and security policies since last Saturday, all meeting participants will now be placed in ‘waiting room’for the host to admit. So all students please join your class meeting before the formal class beginning time so your teacher can prcoess admission for all student at once to start the class on time. All parents please check your E-mail and/or your WeChat group for class information, and help your kids prepare the online classes.
Thank you all!
Shujun Li / 李术军
2019-2020 Principal