Founded in 1995, the Raleigh Academy of Chinese Language (RACL) is a nonprofit, non-political, 501(c)(3) educational institution. Its objectives include promoting Chinese language, teaching Chinese and Oriental history and culture, and enhancing the understanding and friendship among various background people in our community in the Triangle area of North Carolina.
Your donations will be used as celebrating RACL 20 years anniversary, helping to cover the high facility rental cost and supporting school long term development. Your donations are fully tax-deductible (depending on your individual tax situation).
Monetary donations can be made by check or online. To donate by check, please make the check payable to RACL. The check may be sent by postal mail (Raleigh Academy of Chinese Language, PO Box 50375, Raleigh, NC 27650-6375).
To make an online donation using a credit card or PayPal account, click on the Donate button below. You will be redirected to a PayPal secure site to make your payment (you do NOT need a PayPal account to make a donation online). Thank you for your support to RACL! Your donation is very much appreciated.