To protect school properties and create an orderly and safe learning environment for our students, the following rules are set by the RACL board of directors, and RACL PTA.

I. Student Conduct

  1. Students should arrive at school between 9:00 am and 9:15 am. Students who arrive earlier than 9:15 am must stay with their parents until their teacher arrives. Tardiness is a violation of school rules and subject to disciplinary actions.
  2. After arriving at school, students must go directly to their classrooms. If the classroom is not ready or the teacher is not on site at the scheduled arrival time, students must stay with their parents. Parents should report such incidents to a school official.
  3. Eating and drinking juice are prohibited at school. Only bottled water or refilled bottle water with cap is allowed.
  4. No running/chasing in the hallway, no climbing tables in the classrooms, and no rough playing inside the school building at any time. Activities should be limited inside the classroom or playground except during RACL events as approved by school officials.
  5. No shouting or loud talking inside the building.
  6. Students must help protect school properties. This includes:
    • Do not remove school properties without permission from authorized school personnel.
    • Do not litter. All trash must be placed in trashcans.
    • Do not play with toilet paper in restrooms.
    • Do not open any windows without teacher’s supervision.
  7. Students must respect school officials.
  8. No drugs and firearms.
  9. No physical aggression or fighting.
  10. Absence from class must be explained to the class teacher.
  11. Do not leave the classroom until being picked up by parents or an authorized adult after each school day.

II. Violations and Disciplines

First violation:
The offending student receives a warning from school officials. The class teacher, school management, and the student’s parents will be notified about the violation.

Second violation:
The student’s parents and teacher must propose a solution to school officials to stop further violations.

Third violation:
Disciplinary action will be taken. Disciplinary actions may include suspension of the student from school. RACL reserves the right to take further appropriate disciplinary actions against repeated violators. Repeated violations will lead to the expulsion of the student from the school.

Property damage:
If a student damages school properties and repairs are needed, the student’s parents are responsible for the cost of repairs

III. RACL Attendance and Tardy Policy

Attendance in language classes is essential to student’s educational achievement and RACL’s success.Class attendance increases the student’s probability for academic success and fosters the development of self-discipline and responsibility. Students are expected to attend language class weekly. Priorapproval from the class teacher is required for absence from language classes. Tardy behavior disrupts class order and interferes with normal teaching. Chronic tardiness is subject to school discipline. To ensure a fair grade among students and to minimize class disruption, students’ attendance record will be considered for the end of semester evaluation; thus, tardiness will adversely affect a student’s final class standing.

An attendance log will be set up and maintained by the school for all students. Teachers from each class will be required to keep an attendance record for each student and update the school system regularly. Being more than ten minutes late for class is considered a violation, and three such incidences in a semester will result in an automatic warning from the school management. Lack of improvement from the student and his/her parents may lead to further disciplinary actions from the school.

IV. RACL Emergency Plan

Please refer to the acrobat file at RACL Emergency Procedure.
RACL Executive Committee

August, 2014