Founded in 1995, RACL is going to celebrate its 20th year history in 2015. At this moment, we would like to solute to our predecessors who planned and founded RACL, to the parents who cared and supported the development of RACL, and to the alumni who attended and became part of the RACL!
Starting from this October, the school will advertise the theme of 20 year anniversary celebration, and hold a series of celebration events. We will review the school history, exhibit school achievements, expand community impact, and enhance the cohesiveness at RACL. We encourage the entire body of faculty, students, and alumni to contribute ideas, volunteer time, and think through the long term blue print at RACL. We commit to refining the education quality, improving the education environment, attracting social resources, and working hard toward transforming RACL into an exemplary, nationally recognized school with unique specialty and excellent quality in Chinese education.
The main events of 20 year anniversary celebration will consist of drafting “Milestones in the RACL History”, publishing “RACL 20th Anniversary Book”, printing memoir merchandises, T-shirts, creating a documentary on the school history, reforms, and development, opening a blog section at the school web site, advertising RACL on The China Press Weeklyand other social media, recognizing excellence in students and faculty, and hosting a “Reviewing Past, Previewing Future” 20th Anniversary and 2016 New Year Party.
Dear alumni, RACL couldn’t grow without your support. The current Board at RACL proposes the principles of 20th anniversary celebration to be economical, practical, and self-funded. Therefore, we request the alumni to contribute to the celebration events by volunteering, participating, and sponsoring. We also welcome sponsorship from merchants and non-profit organizations. We will be considerate in using the sponsorships. All donations will be used to cover the anticipated expenses in holding the upcoming anniversary celebration; if there is any remaining amount, it will transferred to the school general fund for normal operating budget and long term planning fund.
For your convenience, the school web site has provided PayPal account link (, to collect donations on-line. You can also donate by writing a check to RACL; the school’s mailing address is Raleigh Academy of Chinese Language, PO Box 50375, Raleigh, NC 27650-6375. From October to the end of this semester, we will also set up donation collection box, so that all current teachers, students, and parents can donate on site. All the sponsors and donors will receive a customized RACL 20 Year Anniversary Celebration mug as a memoir gift.
Dear alumni, we sincerely invite your attention to the growth and development at RACL. At the beginning of 2016, please join us at the “Review Past, Preview Future” 20th Anniversary and 2016 Spring Festival Gala, so we can gather, celebrate, and look forward to the future.
Please spread this exciting news!
Raleigh Academy of Chinese Language
学校将从2015年10月开始,围绕20周年校庆的主题,进行一系列宣传庆祝活动,我们将回顾学校办学历史, 展示办学成就,扩大社会影响,增强洛丽汉语学校的凝聚力和向心力,激励全体师生和广大校友共同为母校献策出力,思索并制定洛丽汉语学校的长远发展计划,继续着力提升教学质量,改善办学条件,吸引各方资源,为把我们学校建设成为办学特色明显、教育质量优秀的全美优秀示范中文学校而不懈努力。
校庆的主要活动,将包括编写《校史大事记》、出版校庆《纪念册》,印制校庆纪念品,T恤衫, 制作一部反映学校历史沿革和发展成就的专题片,在学校网站上开辟校庆专栏,在《侨报》周末和社交媒体上宣传洛丽汉语学校,奖励优秀学生和教师,最后举办《回顾过去,展望未来》20周年校庆及2016年春节联欢晚会。
亲爱的校友们,学校的发展离不开你们的支持,洛丽汉语学校董事会提出,校庆应本着节俭务实,费用完全自筹的原则来办校庆。所以在这里,我们请校友们根据自己的能力和意愿,为校庆献上一份力量,参与校庆工作,参加校庆活动, 为校庆捐款。 我们也欢迎商家和各社会团体,组织及社团为洛丽汉语学校提供赞助。我们将慎重用好每一笔捐款,所有捐款在除去校庆的开支之后,将用来支持学校的正常运转和长远发展。
为方便大家捐款,学校网站上设有PayPal校庆捐款网页 (,以方便网上捐款,. 捐款也可以通过支票形式寄到学校的邮箱地址。(Raleigh Academy of Chinese Language, P O Box 50375,Raleigh, NC 27650-6375)。 从10月份到本学期结束,学校也将设有捐款箱,以方便在校师生员工及广大家长进行捐款。所有捐款的单位和个人,将赠送一份特定制作的洛丽汉语学校20周年校庆咖啡杯以留作纪念。
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