0) added new page for class email groups and added in school menu (two days ago) added classroom number in the table too Note: It is a static page with dynamic content via querying from MySQL table real-time. If you find any contents incorrect in 
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– Added few groups: board, ptrmembers, finance and staff – added logo side by the site title Modified Header (header.php) – decreased the font size of site-title from 24 to 20 in order to fit well Modified css – Finished the php scripts with google directory API 
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1) Added the following pages Language class Activity class Teachers zone Student zone Forms Soccer 2) Link pages to navigate menu  
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Yubo made the following content transfer: YCT test Transcripts request Announcements and news (transferred to posts)
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– added user jianping (Editor role) – TODO send request to google for site admin permission (done) – added two mailbox @ racl.org social@racl.org (forward information to jianping) webmaster@racl.org (I will use it in wordpress admin account) hr@racl.org (per request of Fang xin)
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1) added few plugins: pdf, UAM, captcha; 2) disabled database reset plugin 3) added users: liping (Editor role) registration (fake email) (Author role) 4) added login link (in Meta) in home page 5) Wrote a script for mysql weekly dump and added it into cron. 
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现在公布一个好消息:2015 秋季学期石青老师继续教 RACL 中文SAT/AP 备考班. 准备参加2016春中文SAT/AP考试的, 或想提高中文SAT/AP应试能力的学生, 请提前注册以便统计人数。 还没有注册下学期课程的家长请online注册,等秋季开学第一星期再完成注册. 祝大家暑假快乐!
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RACL held its annual General Election on May 9, 2015. The following individuals were elected positions to service RACL in the next school year: Principal (2015-2016): Ms. Xin Fang (150 ballots) V-Principal (2015-2016): Mr. Zhiping Zhang (143 ballots) Chair of PTA (2015-2016): Mr. Lin Xu 
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洛丽汉语学校(RACL)将进行2015 秋季学期的新老学生招生注册: 注册时间:周六(5/2/15, 5/9/15, 5/16/15), 9:30am – 11:30 am 注册地址:Raleigh Charter High School(RCHS), 1307 Glenwood Ave, Raleigh, NC 27605 老学生: 请在线注册 http://apps.racl.org/,如忘记了密码 , 请速给我们发Email:registration@racl.org. 请在Subject 注明: Reset RACL family account password. 老学生在线注册可以避免$15注册费. 新学生: 请填写新生表 (Student Registration Form). 学校的日程安排与Wake County公立学校系统配套。如想了解更多的信息,请访问我们的网站: www.racl.org。We will open two new activity 
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For 2015, you can take the test on April 4th, May 30th, August 22nd, or November 21st. The testing center website should always show the available test dates. For more information about YCT test, please visit FAQ for YCT.
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