洛丽汉语学校的家长,同学,老师,志愿服务者及工作人员,以及未来的学生和家长, 大家好!本周六(10/27)为全校开学第八周,是本学期期中考试日, 下周补考时间(11/3)9:15-10:15 AM,地点是1212教室. 希望同学们不要迟到. 课外活动课也将在本周照常进行. RACL will have regular classes this Saturday (10/27/18). This Saturday is Mid-term exam date. Please make sure that your children arrive their classroom on time. And activity classes will also have normal class schedules this Saturday. 本周六我校家长会(PTA )邀请到了Sharon Wang,Sharon是Enloe高中十年级的学生,也是我们学校的校友。周六她将分享她在今年暑假去日本参加由YFU(Youth For Understanding) 赞助的一个特别有意义的活动. 欢迎感兴趣的家长(尤其是高中生家长及学生)来听她的报告。 
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洛丽汉语学校的家长,同学,老师,志愿服务者及工作人员,以及未来的学生和家长, 大家好!本周六(10/20)为全校开学第七周,是本学期期中考试复习日,下周六10/27是考试日,补考日为11/3. 课外活动课也将在本周照常进行. RACL will have regular classes this Saturday (10/20/18).  This Saturday’s class is Mid-term exam preparation class.  The school will have Mid-term exams for all grades of language classes the next Saturday (11/3/18). And activity classes will also normal schedule this Saturday. CAFA 本周六将在RACL为大家提供签证和拍照服务. CAFA will provide Chinese 
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洛丽汉语学校的家长,同学,老师,志愿服务者及工作人员,以及未来的学生和家长, 洛丽汉语学校在本周六(10/13/18)继续上课. 课外活动课也将在本周照常进行,有兴趣的家长和同学可以从以下的网站了解和选择感兴趣的课外活动课. http://www.racl.org/activity-classes/ RACL will have regular classes this Saturday (10/13/18). And activity classes will also normal schedule this Saturday. Please check out our school web site about the activity classes (http://www.racl.org/activity-classes/) and register any activity class interested to you and your children. 本由我校SAT II老师Erin参加组织的CampWriteUNC将在十一月四日主办一个高中和初中学生写作作品的演讲会. 希望我们学校有兴趣的同学和家长积极参加, 
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洛丽汉语学校的家长,同学,老师,志愿服务者及工作人员,以及未来的学生和家长, 洛丽汉语学校在本周六(10/6/18)继续上课. 课外活动课也将在本周照常进行,有兴趣的家长和同学可以从以下的网站了解和选择感兴趣的课外活动课. http://www.racl.org/activity-classes/ RACL will have regular classes this Saturday (10/6/18). And activity classes will also normal schedule this Saturday. Please check out our school web site about the activity classes (http://www.racl.org/activity-classes/) and register any activity class interested to you and your children. 我们洛丽汉语学校的龙舟队在9月22日的龙舟比赛中取得了B组第一,总成绩第五的优秀成绩. 为我们学校迎来了龙舟节的金牌. 祝贺RACL 
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洛丽汉语学校的家长,同学,老师,志愿服务者及工作人员,以及未来的学生和家长, 洛丽汉语学校在本周六(9/29/18)继续上课. 课外活动课也将在本周照常进行,有兴趣的家长和同学可以从以下的网站了解和选择感兴趣的课外活动课. http://www.racl.org/activity-classes/ RACL will have regular classes this Saturday (9/29/18). And activity classes will also normal schedule this Saturday. Please check out our school web site about the activity classes (http://www.racl.org/activity-classes/) and register any activity class interested to you and your children. 对课外活动课有兴趣注册的家长和同学,请到学校办公室(1212 教室)办理注册付费手续. For 
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洛丽汉语学校的家长,同学,老师,志愿服务者及工作人员,以及未来的学生和家长, 北卡的飓风终于过去了, 希望大家, 尤其是我校在受灾严重的 Fayetteville的家长和同学, 一切都好! 洛丽汉语学校在本周六(9/22/18)继续上课. 课外活动课也将在本周照常进行,有兴趣的家长和同学可以从以下的网站了解和选择感兴趣的课外活动课. http://www.racl.org/activity-classes/ RACL will have regular classes this Saturday (9/22/18). And activity classes will also normal schedule this Saturday. Please check out our school web site about the activity classes (http://www.racl.org/activity-classes/) and register any activity class interested to you and 
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洛丽汉语学校的家长,同学,老师,志愿服务者及工作人员,以及未来的学生和家长,大家好! 因为受飓风Florence的影响Wake County学校周末关门,洛丽汉语学校周六 (9/15/18)不上课!请大家互相转告。周六的课会在下学期一月五日补。 RACL will not have classes this Saturday (8/15) due to Hurricane Florence and Wake County schools’s closure. The make up class will be at the next semester on January 5, 2019.At RACL, the safety of our students, teachers, and staff is always our top priority.  Please 
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洛丽汉语学校的家长,同学,老师,志愿服务者及工作人员,以及未来的学生和家长, 洛丽汉语学校在本周六(9/8/18)继续上课. 课外活动课也将在本周开始,有兴趣的家长和同学可以从以下的网站了解和选择感兴趣的课外活动课. http://www.racl.org/activity-classes/ RACL will have regular classes this Saturday (9/8/18). And activity classes will also begin this Saturday. Please check out our school web site about the activity classes (http://www.racl.org/activity-classes/) and register any activity class interested to you and your children. 学校在本周六和9/15/18继续在Apex Middle进行2018 学年秋季学期的新老学生招生注册: 9:15 
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洛丽汉语学校的家长,同学,老师,志愿服务者及工作人员,以及未来的学生和家长, 感谢所有家长和同学们的积极配合,我们学校在上周六(8/25/18)有了一个很好的开始. 本周六(9/1/18)因为庆祝劳动节,RACL没课。请大家互相转告,也祝大家节目愉快. RACL had a great start last Saturday because of all your participation and corporations. The school won’t have classes this Saturday in celebration of the Labor Day. We will resume language classes and start activity classes on September 8, 2018. 学校在下周六和9/15/18继续在Apex Middle进行2018 年秋季学期的新老学生招生注册: 9:15 
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Dear RACL Families,You are now able to request an official RACL transcript to transfer course credit to Wake County Schools. Detail of the requirement can be found at http://www.racl.org/transcript -requesting-guide/. There will be a $15 processing fee payable to RACL for each transcript. Please make sure to submit your 
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