RACL 2024 秋季第四周

洛丽汉语学校三十年(1995-2025) 校庆系列活动金秋十月即将拉开序幕!
Raleigh Academy of Chinese Language (RACL) 30th Anniversary Celebration Series Events
Begin in October 2024


  1. 家庭运动会(Family Fun Sports Event)报名已经开始了! 请点击以下链接报名
    Fun sports for all RACL students and families Registration Starts NOW, click the following link to register!

Registration Starts today (Free for all registerd before 10/19)
Registration Link: https://forms.gle/KJnS2RZ33J6jYioJ8

Stay Tuned, more events coming!

  1. 展翼绘画比赛(Art Contest): 10/2024-11/2024 (Stay tuned, coming soon)
    Selected work will be featured on 30th anniversary souvenirs
  2. 小主持人比赛(Young Host Contest: 11/2024-12/2024 (Stay tuned, coming soon)
    Opportunity to host 30-year celebration gala in Cary Art Center on 3/1/2025
  3. 写作比赛(Writing Contest):12/2024-1/2025 (Stay tuned, coming soon)
    opportunities to Read/Sing in 30th Anniversary Celebration Gala
  4. 三十年校庆迎新春联欢会(30th Anniversary Celebration Gala ): 03/01/2025 (Stay tuned, coming soon)
    Students and Alumni Families all invited at Cary Art Center
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