宝贵的生命,人生只有一次。死亡,感觉很遥远,但当它突然降临在我们的身边,这是何等的震惊与心痛! 二O一三年六月十三号傍晚的一场短暂的夏日风暴,竟然夺走了一位年轻美丽的生命。在下午五点左右,做了一天义工的南雪舟(Julia Nan)同学正要赶回家,走在 Chapel Hill , E. Franklin St, 313号房前的红砖人行道上。突然,门前一棵巨大的古树被强劲的风暴吹倒,把雪舟重重地砸倒在地。过路人纷纷施救,呼叫911。雪舟被送到UNC医院,但由于她的头部受到严重的摔伤,当天夜晚,雪舟永远地离开了我们。
南雪舟,年仅20岁,系UNC-CH毕业班学生。她是一位怀揣理想,品学兼优,乐于助人,多才多艺的优秀学生。雪舟十岁来美,中英兼修,十分流利;就读于Panther Creek High School期间,成绩名列全校第二, 荣获 过NC Academic Scholars, Scholar Athlete Award 等多项奖励;进入UNC-CH之后,她更加刻苦勤奋,计划明年毕业,用三年时间获得Biology 和Phycology双学士和Chemistry Minor学位,然后进入牙医学院深造。课余,雪舟常常为社区,图书馆,学校做义工,还经常帮助学习有困难的同学;在上大学之前,雪舟曾长期在洛丽汉语学校做义工,为老师和学生们复印学习材料,尽心尽力,深得老师和同学们的赞赏。雪舟也是许多社团的积极人士,是学校Human Rights & Social Justice Club 的创始人之一。雪舟是一位积极向上,独立性强的学生,中学期间,便在Duke 大学医学院,牙医疹所,快歺店等地方实习,打工,和锻炼自身能力。在家里,雪舟是一位乖巧的女儿,爸妈的好帮手,会耐心照顾和指导幼小的妹妹们,常常在打工劳累归来时,为妹妹们带回一盒寿司。雪舟是一位阳光,甜美的女孩,遇到长辈,总会笑着叫一声:叔叔好! 阿姨好! 雪舟还弹得一手好钢琴?
如此优秀的学生,如此可爱的女儿,20 岁花季,飞扬的青春,瞬间被一场无情的风暴夺走了。这是怎样的心痛啊? 天若无情人有情,悲痛之后,我们能做点什么呢? 经雪舟家长同意,洛丽汉语学校(RACL)和北卡华人联谊会(CAFA)联合倡议,建立洛丽汉语学校纪念南雪舟 Julia Nan 奖学基金, 基金将由雪舟父母委托的委员会来管理和使用,基金将用来奖励华人社区里品学兼优的学生,也希望此纪念能给痛心的父母和亲友们一丝慰籍。雪舟虽然离开我们了,可她优秀的品质永远存在我们的心中。亲爱的家长们,朋友们,同学们,让我们伸出我们的双手,献一份爱心,为洛丽汉语学校纪念南雪舟奖学基金贡献一点微薄之力吧!
With a very sorrow heart, I have to inform the tragedy that Julie Nan, one former RACL student and dedicated RACL volunteer, passed away on June 13, 2013 after being hit by a tree uprooted during a severe storm.
There is to be a memorial service for Julia Nan at 10:30am on June 22, 2013 at the Forest Hills Baptist Church that is located at 201 Dixie Trail, Raleigh, North Carolina 27607.
It is so sad to lose one so young, so prospective suddenly. In order to memorize this great student, RACL, after Julia Nan’s parent consent, has set up “RACL Julia Nan Memorial Scholarship Fund”, which be managed by a committee entrusted by Julia Nan’s parents. The scholarship fund will be used to reward outstanding students in the Chinese community, but also express our sincere condolences to the distressed parents.
Donations to the “RACL Julia Nan Memorial Scholarship Fund” would be welcomed onsite at the memorial service. Others who would like to donate can also write checks to RACL and mail to the following address: Raleigh Academy of Chinese Language, P O Box 50375, Raleigh, NC 27650-6375. Please write a memo on your check with “RACL Julia Nan Memorial Scholarship Fund”.
Yongjun Lei
On behalf of RACL Executive Committee