RACL mailing list is intended to provide an efficient and convenient way for communications within the school, in terms of information exchange, school news, school administration communications to the the parents, students and friends. The school administration will do their best to limit the number of emails sent to the whole mailing list every week.
RACL mailing list prohibits any personal/commercial ads and non-school-related messages.
Q. Who are eligible to subscribe to the list?
A. RACL parents, teachers, students, staff, and friends.
Q. How to subscribe myself to the list?
A. All active parents and teachers are automatically subscribed to the list based on the latest information in our registration system. If you are not an active parent or teacher but would like to subscribe as a volunteer, please send an email to vm@racl.org,with the subject line “subscribe volunteers@racl.org”
Q. How to remove myself from the list?
A. All active parents and teachers are subscribed to this list to ensure smooth communication. If you are not an active parent or teacher and no longer want to be subscribed as a volunteer, please send an email to vm@racl.org, with the subject line “unsubscribe volunteers@racl.org”
Purpose: The RACL email list is established for the purpose of providing an efficient and convenient way for the school administration to convey school related announcements and information to RACL parents, students and friends. It is not intended for any personal, commercial, political, and any other inappropriate usage.
List Management: A list manager is appointed by the RACL Executive Committee to manage and monitor the list. The list manager has the responsibility to facilitate list subscription and unsubscription, to facilitate message posting and to enforce the rules.
Subscription/Unsubscription: Subscription and unsubscription to the list is automatically maintained based on the latest information in the registration system and manual subscription/unsubscription to the volunteer list.
Posting Messages: Only relevant RACL staff have the privileges for posting messages. General members who would like to send information to the whole mailing list should contact the principle (principle@racl.org) or PTA president (pta@racl.org). They will review the content and then decide whether to forward the information to the whole mailing list.
Questions: Questions about message posting can be sent to the list manager at system@racl.org.
Comments and Suggestions: RACL Board of Directors and the school administration team encourage comments and suggestions about all aspects of the school. please send comments and suggestions directly to the school principal or relevant school staff. Complains about the Executive Committee can be sent to the Chair of Board of Directors. Please consult RACL web page http://www.racl.org for email addresses of the Principal, Chair of the Board of Directors, and other school staff.