New Activity Class — Badminton Class

Dear RACL family,

为了给咱们RACL孩子提供更加多的运动机会,学校准备在春季课外班加开羽毛球课,并且成立RACL 青少年羽毛球俱乐部。RACL 青少年羽毛球俱乐部将提供上课用球拍, 球,场地和教练。Group class人数 6-15 人。场地是RTP地区最好的场地,有7个奥林匹克级别球场。

In order to offer more activity classes to our RACL kids, school plans to open a new badminton class at spring term, 2016.  The location is Badminton NC Club. The facility has 7 Olympic mats Courts, airconditioned, dark walls, with sensored light on each court.

教练是原丹麦国家级奥林匹克教练  Dennis Christensen. 他曾经执教于丹麦,意大利,瑞士和瑞典多个国家队。15人class有两到三位教练。

Our class Head Coach is Dennis Christensen. Dennis is an Olympic level coach, having been the coach for Denmark, Italy, Switzerland and Sweden’s …

We will have 2-3 coaches for the 15 kids class.

地点: 北卡羽毛球俱乐部 Badminton NC

9300 Globe Center Drive, Suite 116, Morrisville, North Carolina 27560

时间: 14 classes, Sunday afternoon 3:00pm — 4:15pm and 4:15pm — 5:30pm

Member fee/per year: $0/year(RACL students )  $15/year  (none RACL students)

Class fee:

$120/term (14 classes) ,



  1. 网上报名的link:
  1. 麻烦周六到RACL报名处交支票,支票请注明是badminton class。


Best regards,

Xin Fang/方馨,
2015-2016 Principal

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