本周六 (3月25日)是春季语言班第九周, 课外活动班第八周正常上课。
This Saturday (03/25/23) is the 9th time of language classes and the 8th time of activity classes.
This Saturday, L4A parents are on duty of traffic safety. All relevant parents please support!
RACL全方面的2023暑期夏令营正式开放注册了, 请大家访问网页 http://www.racl.org/racl-summer-campsenglish 在线注册,并获取所有营房的时间和收费信息。此次夏令营全部采用面授形式,分综合营和特殊科目营两种。 综合营适合所有学生,从K年级至11年级均可,将按学生年龄或年级分营; 内容包括中文听说读写,英文,数学等各科目补习,发掘竞赛潜能,各种画画,各种运动,唱歌,舞蹈和象棋等兴趣课程。特殊科目营适合高中生或初中生,营房包括SAT,AP 中文,AP 微积分,计算机编程,大学申请文案等课程。 开营时间从6/12至8/18日,可按周报名,7/3那周除外;提供全天营,半天营,营前和营后小孩看护等;午餐可选择自带或由学校提供;营址在West Cary;本校学生和校友,家庭多位小孩报名,早鸟报名等将享受优惠价;夏令营志愿者家庭享受Credit。详细信息请见网页或下面的PDF海报,希望大家向身边的亲朋好友转发!
RACL 2023 Summer Camp is officially open for registration. Please visit our website http://www.racl.org/racl-summer-campsenglish/ to register online and get the schedule and tuition detail of all camps. The summer camp is divided into two types: General Camps and Special Subject Camps. The General Camps are suitable for all students, from Grade K to Grade 11, and will be divided into different groups according to the age or grade of the students; the content includes Chinese listening, speaking, reading and writing, English, Math and other subjects, exploring the potential of competitions, various drawing, various sports, singing, dancing and chess etc. Special Subject Camps are suitable for high school or middle school students, and the camps include courses such as SAT, AP Chinese, AP Calculus, Computer Programming, and College Essay writing. The camps are open from 6/12 to 8/18, and you can sign up on a weekly basis, except for the week of 7/3; full-day camp, half-day camp, early care and after care, etc.; lunch can be brought by yourself or provided by the school; the camp site is in West Cary; students and alumni of the school, families with multiple children, and early bird registration will enjoy discounted prices; families of summer camp volunteers can enjoy credit. For more information, please see the above website or the PDF flyer below. Hope you will forward it to your relatives and friends!
RACL是每位家长和每位孩子的, 谢谢所有人的支持。
RACL belongs to all parents and children. Thank you for your support!
Wenzhi Li/ 李文治
2022-2023 Principal