本周六 (01/14/23)是中文学校语言班第十六周,秋季学期最后一次课, 也是秋季学期期末考试日。 本周六没有课外活动班,但个别课外活动班会在本周末补课。
This Saturday (01/14/23) is the 16th time of the language classes,the last week of Fall semester. It is also the final exam day. This Saturday there is no activity classes,but some activity classes will make up for the previously missed lessons.
下周六01/21/23春节假期,不上课。 01/28/23是春季学期第一次课。期末补考时间是01/28/23 上午9:15am, 地点是1212教室。 There is no class next Saturday 01/21/23 to observe Chinese New Year holiday. The first day of Spring 2023 semester is 01/28/23. The final exam makeup time is 9:15am on 01/28/23 in #1212.
This Saturday, L9A parents are on duty of traffic safety. All relevant parents please support!
本周六 01/14/23 上午9:30am在我校1214室将举办一场《学生们如何安全的在美国学习和生活》的安全讲座,包括孩子们学习生活中的安全状况以及安全解决方案等内容。由NRA美国步枪协会专家苗伟老师主讲,苗老师是基础手枪,室内室外个人安全防卫,和北卡隐蔽携枪的导师和教官。学生们的安全始终是我校关切的重点,学校要求每个语言班必须有两位以上的家长参加此次讲座,请各班家长代表安排一下。 也希望所有能来的家长们都来参加。 更多信息请见附件宣传页!学校将提供点心和水,谢谢大家配合!
This Saturday, 01/14/23 at 9:30 am in Room 1214 of our school, a safety seminar on “How Students Study and Live in the United States Safely” will be held. It includes the safety situation and safety solutions in children’s learning and life and so on. Teacher Miao Wei, an expert from the NRA American Rifle Association, will give us the talk. Teacher Miao is an instructor of basic pistols, indoor and outdoor personal security defense, and North Carolina concealed guns. The safety of the students is always the focus of our school. So our school requires that each language class must have two or more parents to attend this seminar. The parent representatives of each class please arrange it. I also hope all parents can attend it if your schedule allows. For more information, please see the attached flyer! The school will provide refreshments and water. Thank you for your cooperation!
2023春季学期将于1月28日开学,现已开放注册。学校的日历请见: http://www.racl.org/school-calendar/。 课外活动课程相关信息请见:http://www.racl.org/activity-classes/。还未注册的学生,请家长尽快注册。学校本周六 01/14/23 在9:15-11:00am 提供现场注册。 返校学生也可以自行登录注册系统在线注册http://apps.racl.org/,新学生请访问我们的网站:http://www.racl.org/registration/,在线填写新生注册表: https://forms.gle/XpLYTbpjktBwRCHn8。如需帮助或有疑问,请发Email给registration@racl.org。
2023 Spring semester will start on 01/28/23, and is now open for registration. The school calendar is available at: http://www.racl.org/school-calendar/. The information on activity classes is available at: http://www.racl.org/activity-classes/. This Saturday 01/14/23 from 9:15 to 11:00am, our school registration personnel will provide the in-person registration service. For students who have not yet registered, please register as soon as possible. Returning students can also log in to the registration system and register online at http://apps.racl.org/. For new students, please visit our website: http://www.racl.org/registration/ and fill in the registration form online: https: //forms.gle/XpLYTbpjktBwRCHn8. For assistance or questions, please email registration@racl.org.
请大家在Amazon上购物时,用此链接http://smile.amazon.com/ch/58-2190391, Amazon将会给我们学校捐款。大家可以收藏此链接,并分享给您的家人和朋友们,以便让更多人使用此链接在Amazon上购物,最终让学校和我们每个家庭受益,谢谢大家!
Please use this link http://smile.amazon.com/ch/58-2190391 when you shop on Amazon. Amazon will donate to our school if you use this link. You can bookmark this link and share it with your family and friends so that more people can use this link to shop on Amazon and ultimately benefit our school. Thank you!
RACL是每位家长和每位孩子的, 谢谢所有人的支持。
RACL belongs to all parents and children. Thank you for your support!
Wenzhi Li/ 李文治
2022-2023 Principal