本周六 10/26/2019 是洛丽汉语学校2019秋季学期第八周。中文语言班、课外活动班正常上课。学校日历参见http://www.racl.org/school-calendar/
Just kindly remind everyone that the coming Saturday 10/26/2019 RACL will have regular Chinese classes and activity classes。School calendar can be found at http://www.racl.org/school-calendar/
需要注册、交费、或着有与注册有关的问题需要处理的,请到学校办公室 #1212办理,或把注册信息用电子邮件发送到: registration@racl.org。
Registration, making payment or any other registration related questions will be handled at the School Office (#1212). You can also email your registration related information to RACL Registration Team at registration@racl.org
洛丽汉语学校校友会2019年秋季 (第六年)为“綠堡新移民學校”募集冬装愛心活动将从这周六开始。目前我们只需要青少年、儿童服装的捐赠。
Starting this Saturday, RACL Alumni Foundation will organize our RACL annual clothing supply drive to support the Greensboro Doris Henderson Newcomers School, a school for new immigrants and refugees. At this time we are in need of children’s and teenager’s clothing only.
PTA 活动:
1. 2019-2010系列讲座
题目: Afficient Academy 课程产品介绍
主讲:赵明 博士 / Dr. Ming Zhao (Afficeient Academy NC Franchise Center Director)
时间: 10/26/2019 9:30 am – 11:00 am
地点: RACL 家长休息室(Rm #1214)
2. 为中文学校限时、限量募捐活动
This Saturday an ecommerce company will come do fund-raising for RACL by providing limted quantity of discounted/free Halloween products. Please check out this promotion event by clicking on the URL below: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/9-SHVirVOHrO-1smYrWFGg
大家需要按规定的停车地点和规则停车!Apex Middle School 的两个停车场、及路边靠近学校一侧划定的停车位,大家可以放心使用。其他路边位置,尤其居民区的路边,需要自己确定风险。
1. 交通安全:
2. 校内秩序:
上课铃声响之后,在楼内的义工、家长, 请尽量保持安静,避免喧哗影响学生上课。
3. 课后离校:
中文语言课,11:00 am (十一点) 结束,课外活动课除 SATEnglish 班外,12:00 结束。请家长务必按时来接孩子。未经通知学校而晚来接孩子的,一旦发生意外,家长自负责任!!!
Shujun Li / 李术军
2019-2020 Principal