- RACL 停课或延迟遵从 WCPSS 特殊天气规定。按目前状况,本周六 10/08/2016 正常上课。中文班上课时间 9:15am – 11:00am;Activity classes 课外活动班上课时间11:10am – 12:00pm 或 12:55pm。
如有变化,学校会及时通过email, WeChat, 学校网站(http://www.racl.org/)发通知;本周六 10/08/2016大家出门前请查阅,看看是否有停课通知。
- 我们连续接到Apex middle school 学校的抱怨,这周情节比较严重。有学生乱动Apex middle school教学用材料(papers)并在上面写脏话(had profanity written,有照片为证)。学校绝不容许这样的事件发生,也希望家长和我们一样,不纵容或姑息这种行为。请各位家长提醒你们的孩子,不能乱动或带走教室里的物品;不能在教室里乱写乱画;更不能写或说脏话。我们不光教中文,也是在育人。请各位家长与你们的孩子一起重温并遵守学校家长守则(http://www.racl.org/%E6%B4%9B%E4%B8%BD%E6%B1%89%E8%AF%AD%E5%AD%A6%E6%A0%A1%E5%AE%B6%E9%95%BF%E5%AE%88%E5%88%99/)及学生守则(http://www.racl.org/%e6%b4%9b%e4%b8%bd%e6%b1%89%e8%af%ad%e5%ad%a6%e6%a0%a1%e5%ad%a6%e7%94%9f%e5%ae%88%e5%88%99/)。
- RACL董事会2016年9月25日会议关于RACL Official transcript 用于Wake County High School 2 Credits 的决定:承认其它合格中文学校转入RACL的成绩(需要official transcript);不再要求YCT成绩。学校正在制定技术细节,更新学校网站Transcript Requesting Guide及完善成绩单管理系统,尚无法在10/15/2016之前收到的申请中反映出来。如有上述两种情况之一,请下次提出申请。
有需要把成绩转至Wake County Schools申请Credit的家庭,详细要求和步骤参见http://www.racl.org/transcript-requesting-guide/。 学校需在10/15/2016之前收到您的申请。若您在09/01/2016之前提出申请,须重新提交申请。学生须是高中生才能得到相应Credit。
(详情参见成绩单主管Transcript Manager电邮Mon, Sep 19, 2016 at 9:10 AM, Student Record <student_record@racl.org>:
You are now able to request an official RACL transcript to transfer course credit to Wake County Schools. Detail of the requirements and steps can be found at http://www.racl.org/transcript-requesting-guide/. Your requests have to be received before 10/15/2016.
Please be aware, your students have to be in High School to receive the credits. Any requests submitted before Sept 1, 2016 need to be resubmitted. Sorry about the inconvenience.
You will be contacted by RACL staff after your requests are carefully reviewed.
- 洛丽汉语学校2016年秋季 (第三年)为「綠堡新移民學校」募集冬装及文具愛心活动
活动日期: 10/1/16 – 10/29/16
活动时间: 9:00am – 11:30am
活动地点: 洛丽汉语学校 at Apex Middle School, 400 E Moore St, Apex, NC 27502
主办单位: 洛丽汉语学校校友会 – RACLAF
Coordinators 联系人:
Christina Chen 陈娅卿 (RACLAF 2016-2017 President), cychen120@gmail.com
Zhiping Zhang 张治平 (RACL 2016-2017 Principal), principal@racl.org
我们将接受任何尺寸(小孩和大人)的捐赠衣物(因为有些学童有较 小的弟妹及父母/监护人)。也接受旧/新的被子/毯子等。
- 二手冬衣:(状况好的,新的也可)冬季衣裤,鞋子,冬季 靴子,围巾,被子等(任何尺寸)。
- 文具: 書包、鉛筆、擦膠、小型削鉛筆器、Spiral notebooks、Pocket folders、1 inch binders、Filler paper for the binders、Clorox cleaning wipes、Kleenex。
2015 DNHS Donation Drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B0SmrtOSVy_rTmdwWFJ2ZXdDYkU
2014 DNHS Donation Drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B0SmrtOSVy_rQkVHMXE3VWZ4SzA
由于世界灾难仍然不断,许多灾区的灾民,却为了躲避天灾或战乱, 被迫离开家园,而成 为难民,他们经过一段艰辛的日子,有的幸运的被他国所收容, 这些难民家长们,千辛万苦,逃离苦难,为的就是要寻求一个安定与自由的日子。
在美国有许多州都有专门收容难民的地方,例如北卡洛莱纳州, 就设在与我们相邻不远的绿堡市(Greensboro)与高点市(High Point),而附近有一所多丽丝.亨德森新移民学校(Doris Henderson Newcomers School (DHNS),以下简称「绿堡新移民学校」)http://newcomers.gcsnc.com/ pages/Doris_Henderson_ Newcomers 是专收刚抵美国的难民和新移民孩童,包含幼稚园到十二年级。
「绿堡新移民学校」学童大部份来自第三世界的贫困国家, 包括叙利亚、衣索比亚、苏丹、海地、保加利亚、坦尚尼亚、印度、尼泊尔、巴基斯坦、不丹、 寮国、缅甸 等,每年都有一批批新的孩童,随着家人躲避战乱逃离家乡, 幸运来到美国的小朋友来说,这是生平第一次有机会接受教育,也是人生新的转捩点。
由于学童的母语多非英语,学校将ESL(英语非母语) 的学习技巧,融入每个科目如数学、社会、科学、艺术等课程中,帮助学童加强英语能力、 认识美国文化,早日适应美国生活。学生一年之后必须转到正规学校就读,因此, 新移民学校每学年、甚至每个月都有新生入学。
还记得前年(2014)的冬季,气温特别寒冷, 因此造成许多慈善机构(如救世军)提供的二手冬季外套库存不足,曾让该校社工安琪儿•卡多娜( Angel Katona) 为该校孩童提供冬季衣物,寻求无门。为此义工 Mr.李鎮湧 专门来到RACL 寻求帮助。当我们「洛丽汉语学校」全校师生与家长得知此事后, 立即在校园发起募集冬衣给「绿堡新移民学校」活动,
得到老师和家长们 都热烈响应,短短两个周六的上课时间, 就募集到了六百余件上好的冬衣和几十双靴子。这些来自「洛丽汉语学校」的爱心, 及时地温暖了该校三百多位学童。
去年秋季 (2015), RACL的师生员工再次为DHNS捐赠了一车的好衣服等物品, 并及时送去帮助该校的学生御寒。
2016寒冬又將來臨,我們「洛丽汉语学校」將再次發起為「 綠堡新移民學校」难民学童募冬衣活动,希望能再度聚合我們全體師生與家長的愛心, 再次一起來溫暖「綠堡新移民學校」的學童。从2016年起, 本活动以后由洛丽汉语学校校友会 RACLAF 负责筹办,以培养我们学生的爱心,奉献精神及组织能力。
親愛的「洛丽汉语学校」的教職員、家長們, 如果您府上若有不用的(狀況好的)二手的孩童穿的冬季衣物、與鞋子,歡迎大家在上課日帶來校園,我們將有 專人為您服務,並在收集與做整理後,盡快送到「綠堡新移民學校」,讓新移民學校 能早日有足夠冬衣,供給該校的新學童,讓這些學童能過一個溫暖的寒冬,讓我們一起來 發揮我們華人的愛心。
當然不限只是小朋友的衣服,鞋子也是很需要的。 另外若有大人的冬季衣服也可以,因為這些難民身份的家長,有許多還沒有找到工作,他們都是弱勢家庭, 所以若能募集大人的衣服的話,也可捐贈給這些家長,讓他們能安度寒冬。通常「 新移民學校」在獲得物資捐助時,都會寄上「感謝函」,跟捐助的社團或機構或人士致謝的。 該校收的學童從K至12年級都有,所以家長所捐的衣物大小,新舊都沒關係, 只要沒有破或拉鍊壞掉的就可以,
Thank you for your support, and we hope to have a successful donation drive!
Christina Chen
RACL是每位家长和每位孩子的, 谢谢所有人的支持。
Zhiping Zhang/张治平
RACL 2016-2017 校长
代表 RACL 学校执行委员会
Dear Parents, Students, Teachers, Volunteers/Staff members:
We would like to remind you that
- RACL will follow WCPSS Inclement Weather Policy for school close or delay. Based on current Hurricane Matthew path, RACL will resume on 10/08/2016. All Chinese Language Classes will start from 9:15am to 11:00am. All activity classes will start from 11:10am to either 12:00pm or 12:55pm.
If weather condition changes and RACL decides to cancel the 10/08/2016 classes, we will announce our decision via email, WeChat, and RACL Website (http://www.racl.org/). Please check your email, WeChat, or RACL Website before leave for school on 10/08/2016.
- RACL continues to receive complains from Apex Middle School. Last week, a teacher found some of her papers misplaced; and one in particular had profanity written on it (photo was forwarded to RACL). It is definitely unacceptable and intolerable behavior! Would you please talk to your students and let them follow our school rules. Please sit down and read the RACL Parent Code (http://www.racl.org/racl-parent-code/) and RACL Code of Student Conduct (http://www.racl.org/racl-code-of-student-conduct/) with your students.
- The RACL Board of Directors revised the Qualification for Requesting Official Transcript for Wake County High School 2 foreign language credits on September 25, 2016. To qualify for requesting Official Transcript, RACL recognizes the study (5th grade above) in other qualified schools, and accepts their scores with official transcript; Passing YCT exam is not required anymore. The new Transcript Requesting Guide is being revised and Transcript Requesting System is being updated. Sorry for the inconvenience, the new System cannot function until next request period.
For now, you are able to request an official RACL transcript to transfer course credit to Wake County Schools following the original Guide. Detail of the requirements and steps can be found at http://www.racl.org/transcript-requesting-guide/. Your requests have to be received before 10/15/2016. Please be aware, your students have to be in High School to receive the credits. Any requests submitted before Sept 1, 2016 need to be resubmitted. Sorry about the inconvenience. You will be contacted by RACL staff after your requests are carefully reviewed.
- RACL 3rd Annual Clothing/School Supply Drive for Greensboro DNHS (immigrant school).
Dear RACL Families,
My name is Christina Chen and I am the current president of the RACL Alumni Foundation, a club founded to provide student volunteers and serve RACL. This year, our club has taken over the responsibility of organizing our annual clothing/school supply drive to support the Greensboro Doris Henderson Newcomers School, a school for new immigrants and refugees. Please see below for the details:
Duration: 10/1/16 – 10/29/16
Time: 9:00am – 11:30am
Location: Raleigh Academy of Chinese Language, at Apex Middle School, 400 E Moore St, Apex, NC 27502
Organized by: RACL Alumni Foundation (RACLAF)
To seek winter clothes and school supply donations to support DHNS(http://newcomers.gcsnc.com/ pages/Doris_Henderson_ Newcomers) students. DHNS is a special public school that provides one year of transitional education to refugee and new immigration students that newly settled in NC. Many of those students and their families came to the US after survival from wars. Some students are orphans. Due to lack of funding and the constant arrival of new students, this school constantly needs support from public channels. They especially need winter supplies and school supplies. RACL has been hosting this donation event since the fall of 2014. From 2016 and going forward, this event will be organized by RACLAF and student volunteers.
Winter Clothes (used and in good condition, or new):
Any size winter cloth (jackets, pants, coats, scarf) & winter boots (or shoes) for girls, boys, women, men. Blankets are also accepted.
School Supplies:
Backpacks, Spiral notebooks, Pocket folders, 1 inch binders, Filler paper for the binders, Pencils, Pencil sharpeners, Clorox cleaning wipes, Kleenex, Writing tablets (the kind used for preschool children who are learning to write), etc.
2015 DNHS Donation Drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B0SmrtOSVy_rTmdwWFJ2ZXdDYkU
2014 DNHS Donation Drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B0SmrtOSVy_rQkVHMXE3VWZ4SzA
Coordinators 联系人:
Christina Chen 陈娅卿 (RACLAF 2016-2017 President), cychen120@gmail.com
Zhiping Zhang 张治平 (RACL 2016-2017 Principal), principal@racl.org
Thank you for your support, and we hope to have a successful donation drive!
Christina Chen
Thank you for supporting RACL!
Zhiping Zhang/张治平
RACL 2016-2017 Principal
on behalf of RACL executive committee