大家好!本周六(10/21)为全校开学第八周,是本学期期中考试日,补考日为10/28. 希望同学们不要迟到. 课外活动课也将在本周照常进行.
RACL will have regular classes this Saturday (10/21/17). This Saturday is Mid-term exam date. Please make sure that your children arrive their classroom on time. And activity classes will also have normal class schedules this Saturday.
本周六9:30AM-10:30AM在家长活动室1214, RACL PTA 有幸邀请到李学军女士 (NCLADY好吃俱乐部群主,本地著名美食专家)给大家介绍豆腐脑的做法的特邀美食讲座. 希望有兴趣的家长和同学积极参加.
This Saturday from 9:30 am to 10:30 am, RACL PTA invited a famous local foodie, Ms. Li, to give a seminar about how to make a famous Chinese food dish. The seminar is at the parent room 1214. Please attend if you are interested.
洛丽汉语学校2017年秋季 (第四年)为「綠堡新移民學校」募集冬装及文具愛心活动将这周开始.捐赠物 品可以抵税(tax deduction),学校准备了收据。
活动日期: 10/21/16 – TBD
活动时间: 9:00am – 11:30am
活动地点: 洛丽汉语学校 at Apex Middle School, 400 E Moore St, Apex, NC 27502
主办单位: 洛丽汉语学校校友会 – RACLAF
Coordinators 联系人:
Lisa Zhang 张丽莎 (RACLAF 2017-2018 President), ljzhang5472@gmail.com
Lin Xu 许麟 (RACL 2017-2018 Principal), principal@racl.org
我们将接受任何尺寸(小孩和大人)的捐赠衣物(因为有些学童有较 小的弟妹及父母/监护人)。也接受旧/新的被子/毯子等。
1. 二手衣服:(状况好的,新的也可)各种衣裤,鞋子, 靴子,围巾,被子等(任何尺寸)。
2. 文具: 書包、鉛筆、擦膠、小型削鉛筆器、Spiral notebooks、Pocket folders、1 inch binders、Filler paper for the binders、Clorox cleaning wipes、Kleenex。
This year, RACL Alumni Foundation, a club founded to provide student volunteers and serve RACL, has taken over the responsibility of organizing our RACL annual clothing/school supply drive to support the Greensboro Doris Henderson Newcomers School, a school for new immigrants and refugees. Please see below for the details:
Duration: 10/21/17 – TBD
Time: 9:00am – 11:30am
Location: Raleigh Academy of Chinese Language, at Apex Middle School, 400 E Moore St, Apex, NC 27502
Organized by: RACL Alumni Foundation (RACLAF)
希望大家支持乒乓球课的开展, 抓紧时间报名。
If you are interested at table tennis classes, please register and see RACL WeChat group for more information.
家长, 老师和同学们,你们在Amazon上购物时,请用以下的链接。用此链接,Amazon会给我们学校捐款。谢谢大家。
Share this link: http://smile.amazon.com/ch/58-2190391 and ask your donors, volunteers, employees, and friends to bookmark this link so all their eligible shopping will benefit Raleigh Academy Of Chinese Language.
RACL是每位家长和每位孩子的, 谢谢所有人的支持。洛丽汉语学校见!
Lin Xu/许 麟
RACL 2017-2018 校长 代表 RACL 学校执行委员会
学校地址:400 E Moore St, Apex, NC 2750