- 本周六 11/5/2016 正常上课。中文班上课时间 9:15am – 11:00am;Activity classes 课外活动班上课时间11:10am – 12:00pm 或 12:55pm。
- 我们继续接到Apex middle school 学校的抱怨,这周情节也比较严重。有学生竟然将用过的(Apex Middle School 用词是 “used”)创可贴贴到老师电脑屏幕上(有照片为证)及拿走老师的一张sticker (Apex Middle School 用词是 “stolen”)(估计可能是同一学生所为)。这让谁都难以理解与接受。家长应该了解一下情况,管好自己的孩子。也敦请各位家长提醒孩子,遵守学校规则,不能乱动或带走教室里的物品。我们能找到这样好的条件的校舍不易,我们都要珍惜!
- 重要通知:为增强交流,学校IT部门经多方努力重新做成了一个新的RACL电邮群 everyone@racl.org,根据当前现有学生的注册信息,把学校当前现有学生家长和老师的电邮地址自动纳入其中。只有学校少量工作人员能够发送电邮至此新的电邮群。以前的电邮群 racl@googlegroups.com (此电邮群不能自动包括学校当前现有学生家长和老师的电邮地址)会很快停止使用。志愿服务及工作人员若您不是当前现有学生家长,老师及个别岗位有RACL电邮的人员(registration@racl.org, academics@racl.org等),以及想加入RACL 电邮群的人员,请抓紧时间(两周之内)发电邮至vm@racl.org,主题栏(subject line)写明 “subscribe volunteers@racl.org”。IT 人员会将您加入 everyone@racl.org.
希望此次电邮群更新能提高学校与家长,老师以及志愿服务及工作人员的有效交流。若有问题或建议,请发电邮至system@racl.org 。
英文参见:In order to continuously improve communication within the school, the IT department has created a new email group with the address everyone@racl.org. All the active parents and teachers have been added to this list automatically based on our registration database. The list will be maintained by a nightly program to ensure it’s always up to date. Only a limited number of staff members will have permission to send emails to this address.
We are going to retire racl@googlegroups.com soon. For volunteers that are not active teachers, parents, or part of other staff member list (e.g. registration@racl.org, academics@racl.org), please email vm@racl.org with the subject line “subscribe volunteers@racl.org” to be added to the volunteers@racl.org group, which will be used by the nightly program to update everyone@racl.org. We hope this change will make our regular communication more efficient and effective. Please email system@racl.org if you have any questions or suggestions.
- 学校同意“关于儿童与青少年(7-14岁)感恩的发展”研究项目组在我们学校征集家长和孩子参与研究。家长知情同意书已发给学生了。这周,请家长签字后让学生把知情同意书返还给老师(不管您及学生是否同意参与研究,只要将签好字的家长知情同意书返还给我们老师,项目组会给学校2美元的课堂活动经费)辛苦大家!
我的名字叫梁玥。我是一名人类发展与家庭研究专业的博士研究生,目前就读于the University of North Carolina at Greensboro。在Jonathan Tudge教授的带领下,我正在从事关于儿童与青少年感恩的发展的研究。这项研究也获得了John Templeton Foundation的支持。我们的项目组已经在美国(Greensboro,Atlanta,以及Boston),中国,巴西,俄罗斯,韩国以及土耳其开展研究。如果您同意您的孩子参与这项研究,我们将会问孩子四个关于他们如何表达对帮助他们实现他们最大的愿望的人的感激之情的问题。回答这些问题不会超过20分钟。Raleigh Academy of Chinese Language的校长及老师们认为这是一项很有意义的研究,所以同意让我们项目组在Raleigh Academy of Chinese Language征集家长及孩子参与研究。
不管您是否同意参与我们的研究,如果您将签好字的家长知情同意书返还给老师,我们将会给学校2美元的课堂活动经费。如果您对我们的研究有任何问题,都可以通过下面的联系方式联系我及Jonathan Tudge教授。
Information contact:
Phone (336) 500-9596
email: y_liang@uncg.edu or (Dr. Jonathan Tudge) jrtudge@uncg.edu
- 洛丽汉语学校2016年秋季 (第三年)为「綠堡新移民學校」 (http://newcomers.gcsnc.com/pages/Doris_Henderson_Newcomers) 募集冬装及文具愛心活动.捐赠物品可以抵税(tax deduction),学校准备了收据。本周六是最后一次收集,时间: 9:00am – 11:00am。然后,将物资装车运往「綠堡新移民學校」。
活动地点: 洛丽汉语学校 at Apex Middle School, 400 E Moore St, Apex, NC 27502
主办单位: 洛丽汉语学校校友会 – RACLAF
Coordinators 联系人:
Christina Chen 陈娅卿 (RACLAF 2016-2017 President), cychen120@gmail.com
Zhiping Zhang 张治平 (RACL 2016-2017 Principal), principal@racl.org
我们将接受任何尺寸(小孩和大人)的捐赠衣物(因为有些学童有较 小的弟妹及父母/监护人)。也接受旧/新的被子/毯子等。
- 二手冬衣:(状况好的,新的也可)冬季衣裤,鞋子,冬季 靴子,围巾,被子等(任何尺寸)。
- 文具: 書包、鉛筆、擦膠、小型削鉛筆器、Spiral notebooks、Pocket folders、1 inch binders、Filler paper for the binders、Clorox cleaning wipes、Kleenex。
2016 DNHS Donation Drive:
2015 DNHS Donation Drive:
2014 DNHS Donation Drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B0SmrtOSVy_rQkVHMXE3VWZ4SzA?usp=sharing
Thank you for your support, and we hope to have a successful donation drive!
Christina Chen
RACL是每位家长和每位孩子的, 谢谢所有人的支持。
Zhiping Zhang/张治平
RACL 2016-2017 校长
代表 RACL 学校执行委员会
Dear Parents, Students, Teachers, Volunteers/Staff members:
We would like to remind you that
- RACL will resume on 11/5/2016. All Chinese Language Classes will start from 9:15am to 11:00am. All activity classes will start from 11:10am to either 12:00pm or 12:55pm.
- RACL continues to receive complains from Apex Middle School. Last week, a room has been having a problem with used Band-Aids being found on the teacher’s computer (photo was forwarded to RACL), and the same teacher had a sheet of stickers stolen. These are definitely unacceptable and intolerable behavior! Would you please talk to your students and let them follow our school rules.
- Important announcement: In order to continuously improve communication within the school, the IT department has created a new email group with the address everyone@racl.org. All the active parents and teachers have been added to this list automatically based on our registration database. The list will be maintained by a nightly program to ensure it’s always up to date. Only a limited number of staff members will have permission to send emails to this address.
We are going to retire racl@googlegroups.com soon. For volunteers that are not active teachers, parents, or part of other staff member list (e.g. registration@racl.org, academics@racl.org), please email vm@racl.org with the subject line “subscribe volunteers@racl.org” to be added to the volunteers@racl.org group, which will be used by the nightly program to update everyone@racl.org. We hope this change will make our regular communication more efficient and effective. Please email system@racl.org if you have any questions or suggestions.
- RACL agreed and distributed the consent form to students by our teachers. Whether you wish your child to participate or not, please return the form to your child’s teacher by this weekend, then the study team will give $2 as classroom activity fee to the school for each form that is returned!
Dear parents,
My name is Yue Liang. I’m a doctoral student at the department of Human Development and Family Studies at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Under the supervision of Dr. Jonathan Tudge, I am currently researching the development of gratitude in children aged 7 to 14. This project is funded by John Templeton Foundation. We have been collecting data in the Guilford County schools in Greensboro, and schools in China, Brazil, Russia, South Korea, and Turkey. In our study, we will ask the children to complete several questionnaires regarding how they express their gratitude toward the person who grant them their wishes. It takes no more than 20 minutes to complete the questionnaires. Principal Zhang thinks that this is an interesting and important study, and has agreed that I can ask the children and their parents for permission to ask the children some questions about gratitude and materialist values at The Raleigh Academy of Chinese Language.
Why this study is important? Schools educate not only the mind, but also character. One important aspect of character is gratitude; children and adolescents who feel and express more gratitude for what they have and the help they’ve been given feel better about themselves and their benefactors, whether parents, teachers, friends, or strangers. Gratitude is deeply embedded in Chinese culture. One of the Chinese proverbs states “a drop of water shall be returned with a burst of spring” (滴水之恩, 当涌泉相报). So we are very interested in the development of gratitude among Chinese immigrant children and young adolescents, something that has never been studied.
We would really appreciate your help. From the consent form that your child brings home, you will find more information about this study. You will see that there are two parts to the study. You can agree for your child to participate in either Part 1 or in Parts 1 and 2, or you can decline to give your consent. Part 1 of the study (completed at the Raleigh Academy of Chinese Language after class) takes no more than 20 minutes. In Part 2, if you agree, we would interview you and your child at home.
Whether you wish your child to participate or not, please return the form to your child’s teacher as we give $2 as classroom activity fee to the school (classroom) for each form that is returned! If you have any question and want to know more about the study, I’m happy to answer all your questions.
I’ll be most grateful for your help,
Yue Liang
Information contact:
Phone (336) 500-9596
email: y_liang@uncg.edu or (Dr. Jonathan Tudge) jrtudge@uncg.edu
- RACL 3rd Annual Clothing/School Supply Drive for Greensboro DNHS (immigrant school). RACL issues receipt for tax deduction purpose if anyone needs.
This Saturday from 9:30 to 11:00 am will be the last time to collect the donations
Dear RACL Families,
My name is Christina Chen and I am the current president of the RACL Alumni Foundation, a club founded to provide student volunteers and serve RACL. This year, our club has taken over the responsibility of organizing our annual clothing/school supply drive to support the Greensboro Doris Henderson Newcomers School, a school for new immigrants and refugees. Please see below for the details:
Location: Raleigh Academy of Chinese Language, at Apex Middle School, 400 E Moore St, Apex, NC 27502
Organized by: RACL Alumni Foundation (RACLAF)
To seek winter clothes and school supply donations to support DHNS(http://newcomers.gcsnc.com/pages/Doris_Henderson_Newcomers) students. DHNS is a special public school that provides one year of transitional education to refugee and new immigration students that newly settled in NC. Many of those students and their families came to the US after survival from wars. Some students are orphans. Due to lack of funding and the constant arrival of new students, this school constantly needs support from public channels. They especially need winter supplies and school supplies. RACL has been hosting this donation event since the fall of 2014. From 2016 and going forward, this event will be organized by RACLAF and student volunteers.
Winter Clothes (used and in good condition, or new):
Any size winter cloth (jackets, pants, coats, scarf) & winter boots (or shoes) for girls, boys, women, men. Blankets are also accepted.
School Supplies:
Backpacks, Spiral notebooks, Pocket folders, 1 inch binders, Filler paper for the binders, Pencils, Pencil sharpeners, Clorox cleaning wipes, Kleenex, Writing tablets (the kind used for preschool children who are learning to write), etc.
2016 DNHS Donation Drive:
2015 DNHS Donation Drive:
2014 DNHS Donation Drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B0SmrtOSVy_rQkVHMXE3VWZ4SzA?usp=sharing
Coordinators 联系人:
Christina Chen 陈娅卿 (RACLAF 2016-2017 President), cychen120@gmail.com
Zhiping Zhang 张治平 (RACL 2016-2017 Principal), principal@racl.org
Thank you for your support, and we hope to have a successful donation drive!
Christina Chen
Thank you for supporting RACL!
Zhiping Zhang/张治平
RACL 2016-2017 Principal
on behalf of RACL executive committee