本周六(2/10/18)为全校开学第四周,课外活动课也将在本周照常进行. 由于天气的原因,一月份有二次课被取消了。对此学校对春季的校历做了修改,请到学校的网页查阅更新的校历(http://www.racl.org/school-calendar/)。我们学校的春节/元宵节联欢会将在3/3/18举办。
RACL will have regular classes this Saturday (2/3/18). And activity classes will also normal schedule this Saturday. Please check out our school web site about the activity classes (http://www.racl.org/activity-classes/) and register any activity class interested to you and your children. The school calendar (http://www.racl.org/school-calendar/) has been revised due to some weather related cancellation in January. RACL Chinese New Year celebration will be on March 3, 2018.
为了给RACL 的家长和学生提供更多的课外活动机会, RACL将开设一门以Science Olympiad 为背景的课外活动课, 使用 Scratch 及 Python 在 Raspberry Pi 微计算机上学习和练习计算机硬件和软件编程知识. 和一门大人书法课,给等候学生的家长提供一个学习书法的好机会. 这二门课将从二月二十四曰开始, 有兴趣的家长请发email到registration@racl.org注册.
RACL will offer two new activity classes starting February 24. One is computer class targeting students 3rd grade or above, and another one is adult Chinese calligraphy targeting parents. Please send emails to registration@racl.org to register.
新学生请访问我们的网站:http://www.racl.org/registration/。填写新生注册表. 注册表 有课外活动班的清单和价目表,如想了解更多的信息,请访问我们的网站:http://www.racl.org/activity-classes/
New RACL students please visit RACL website and fill out the new student registration form.
- 必须在使馆开放注册后,登记注册,拿到条码的人才可以在现场办理,所以请大家密切关注使馆公告,及时登记注册. 使馆来北卡的办护照及旅行者的预约, 会是单独的一个选项,必须在使馆确定时间以后才开放的预约. 如果现在预约,是到华盛顿办理的预约. 使馆人员凭借特定的北卡预约名单来办理证件。并不受理华盛顿的预约.
- 由于使馆对个人照片的要求比较严格,有特殊的模版,多数本地照相场所提供的照片只符合美国办证的需要,往往不符合中国使馆的规定要求,希望大家尽量在现场照相,华联有特殊的模版及操作人员帮助,会确保你的照片合格.
Chinese Embassy will conduct Chinese passport related services in triangle late February. We will send the notice when it is finalized.
CAFA 本周六10 am to 11 am继续在RACL出售CAFA春晚演出的票子。今年CAFA春晚在2月25日举办。
CAFA will sale CAFA Chinese New Year Gala tickets this Saturday from 10 am to 11 am at RACL.
Below is the information of Gala ticket price.
General Public | CAFA Member | |
Ticket Price | $15.00 | $10.00 |
家长, 老师和同学们,你们在Amazon上购物时,请用以下的链接。用此链接,Amazon会给我们学校捐款。谢谢大家。
Share this link: http://smile.amazon.com/ch/58-2190391 and ask your donors, volunteers, employees, and friends to bookmark this link so all their eligible shopping will benefit Raleigh Academy Of Chinese Language.
RACL是每位家长和每位孩子的, 谢谢所有人的支持。洛丽汉语学校见!
Lin Xu / 许 麟
2017-2018 Principal