RACL Principal Newsletter 3/16/2019


大家好!本周六(3/16)为 2019春季第八周  ,是本学期期中考试补考日.  请补考学生到1212教室参加补考,时间9:15 – 10:15 am;如有听力考试,在考好其他部分后回到自己教室考听力部分。谢谢大家! 课外活动课也将在本周照常进行.

RACL will have regular classes this Saturday (3/16/19). This Saturday is Mid-term exam make-up date. Please make sure that your children go to room 1212 if they need to do the make-up exams. And activity classes will also have normal class schedules this Saturday.

家长, 老师和同学们,你们在Amazon上购物时,请用以下的链接。用此链接,Amazon会给我们学校捐款。谢谢大家。

Share this linkhttp://smile.amazon.com/ch/58-2190391 and ask your donors, volunteers, employees, and friends to bookmark this link so all their eligible shopping will benefit Raleigh Academy Of Chinese Language.

RACL是每位家长和每位孩子的, 谢谢所有人的支持。洛丽汉语学校见!

Lin Xu /
2018-2019 Principal

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