RACL Principal Newsletter 3/24/2017


Dear Parents, Students, Teachers, Volunteers/Staff members:

  1. 本周六 3/25/2017 继续上课。语言班,时间 9:15am – 11:00am; 课外活动班上课,时间11:10am – 12:00pm 或 12:55pm。

Just kindly remind you that RACL will resume all activities on Saturday,3/25/2017. All Chinese Language Classes will start from 9:15am to 11:00am. All activity classes will start from 11:10am to either 12:00pm or 12:55pm.

  1. RACL特邀美食讲座: 四川凉粉和油条的做法

主讲人:李学军女士 (NCLADY好吃俱乐部群主,本地著名美食专家)

四川凉粉 : https://www.meipian.cn/d8f9ijw?from=singlemessage

油条啊我的梦中情人 : https://www.meipian.cn/bhabiym?from=singlemessage

时间:本周六9:30AM-10:30AM (3月25日)



RACL 家长会

  1. RACL 2017 USAMO/USAJMO Special Training Session

Teacher: Dr. Peter Diao


From April 19th to April 20th, the top 500 mathletes across the nation will participate in the USA Math Olympiad (USAMO/USAJMO), a 9- hour- long examination centered around proof writing. In order to help aspiring mathletes develop the proof writing skills necessary to compete in the arduous competition, the Raleigh Academy of Chinese Language will host 2 olympiad sessions conducted by Dr. Peter Diao.

This class is geared towards dedicated students from grades 8-12 who have high chances of qualifying for the USAMO. Due to the agenda of this class, all students who are interested in participating must have:

1)      Participated in the AMC 10/12 and qualified for the AIME

2)      Scored high enough on the AIME to guarantee a JMO index of 214.5 or above OR

3)      Scored high enough on the AIME to guarantee an AMO index of 220 or above

We are honored to host such a collection of bright minds and thus would like to invite all potential USAMO/USAJMO qualifiers nearby to come join us in these classes.

The instructor Dr. Peter Diao is currently a Post Doctor at Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute (SAMSI). He received his BA from Princeton University and his PhD from Stanford. Dr. Diao used to be an achieving mathlete himself. He is a USAMO Honorable Mention, 2 time participant of MOSP, Virginia 2002 Mathcounts state champion, 2002 National mathcounts team first place, 2 time Putnam honorable mention and AMC 12 perfect scorer. In addition to his rich career in math competitions, Peter also has plenty of experience as an instructor: he is an AoPS instructor and was a counselor for the prestigious Ross program. To top it all off, his passion in helping younger students succeed is rivaled by few.


3/25/2017 USAMO/USAJMO: examples problems, proof writing
4/1/2017 USAMO/USAJMO: main problem types, proof writing

The class starts at 10am and ends at 1pm (3 hours) in Class Room 1207, Building B, Apex Middle School

400 E Moore St, Apex, NC 27502


The fee is 20$ per session. All proceeds will go to Dr. Diao, who has in turn decided to donate all the money to charity. RACL students currently taking Dr. Diao’s activity class can attend the sessions free of charge.

Contact information:

For more information, email Jerry Zhao <jerry.zhao16@gmail.com>

RACL Activity Class Director: Songhua Zhang <Songhua.Zhang@sas.com>

Principle: principal@racl.org

  1. CAFA画展–预告

诗是无形画,画是有形诗, 拿起画笔用心描绘,即是乐趣,也是陶冶。为了给喜爱绘画的青少年和艺术家们提供一个展示自己和相互认识交流的机会,将有相同爱好,共同趣味的朋友们联系在一起,相互鼓励学习。CAFA将为大三角地区的画家和青少年举办第一届画展。

时间: 4/29/2017-4/30/2017 (Saturday, Sunday)

地点:Cary Town Center

地址:1105 Walnut St, Cary, NC 27511



Maria Lu: fullstreamgarden@gmail.com,

欧阳老师: oouyang@cier-edu.com



In order to enrich the community activities & promote art exchange in Great Triangle Area,CAFA will host the First Art Exhibition for the year 2017. Exhibition will help young painters and artists interact with each other. Thus do that young painters could gain utmost benefit out of it.

Exhibition Time: 4/29-4/30

Location: Cary Town Center

Address: 1105 Walnut St, Cary, NC 27511

Anyone is welcome to participate.

Submission deadline: 4/2/2017

Please contact Maria Lu: fullstreamgarden@gmail.com, Ouyang: oouyang@cier-edu.com to register your paintings.

We encourage drawing/painting teachers, art gallery owners and chinese language schools come to recruit students during our exhibition.

We also need fundraising, If you would like to sponsor this exhibition, please contact Ping Zhang atpz102003@yahoo.com


RACL是每位家长和每位孩子的, 谢谢所有人的支持。


Zhiping Zhang/张治平

RACL 2016-2017 校长

代表 RACL 学校执行委员会

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