RACL Principal Newsletter 4/28/2017


Dear Parents, Students, Teachers, Volunteers/Staff members:

  1. 本周六 4/29/2017 继续上课。语言班,时间 9:15am – 11:00am; 课外活动班上课,时间11:10am – 12:00pm 或 12:55pm。

Just kindly remind you that RACL will resume all activities on Saturday,4/29/2017. All Chinese Language Classes will start from 9:15am to 11:00am. All activity classes will start from 11:10am to either 12:00pm or 12:55pm.

  1. Safety, Security and Traffic Ticket Seminar

Raleigh Academy of Chinese Language has invited Captain Jerry McCormick of the Cary Police Department to give us a safety/security seminar this Saturday at RACL.  Captain McCormick has over 26 years of experiences in law enforcement and is the Commander of District 2, which covers West Cary.

Captain McCormick will discuss the following topics:

  •          General Safety for citizens
  • Home Safety/Securing Valuables
  • Motor Vehicle Laws like registration and drivers licenses renewal.  What to do if you get a ticket.
  • Actual criminal activity verses perceived crime problems.

Here are the time and location:

Time: 9:30am-10:30am, Saturday, April 29, 2017

Address: Room 1214, Building B, Apex Middle School, 400 E Moore St, Apex, NC 27502

Hope to see you all!

  1. 2017 RACL General Election now accepts nominations until 5/7/2017

RACL School Board has proposed to have annual General Election on 05/13/2017 (Sat).  The Election Committee consists of three members: Jianping Yang, Xin Fang, Steve Chen. The committee now accepts nominations until 05/07/2017(Sunday), 11:59pm.

Available official positions of academic year 2017-2018:


Vice Principal

Parent Committee (PTA) Chairperson

Three new Board Members

Procedures of the nomination and election:

  1. Call for nomination until 05/07/2017
  2. Contact the candidates for the willingness and availability
  3. Conduct the candidate reviews and recommendations by RACL Board
  4. Post candidates’ running statements to general members
  5. Final election on 05/13/2017

Now, it is your time to nominate and elect your favored candidates to be school executive officers and school board members. To qualify to nominate any RACL candidate or to be nominated, you must be a RACL member. Once again, send your nomination to  election@racl.org before May 7, 2017, 11:59pm.

The purposes of RACL are to promote the teaching and learning of the Chinese language, history and culture, to promote mutual understanding and friendship among students, and to promote Sino-America cultural exchange.

RACL is staffed by many many parent volunteers since 1995 and many more years to come. We are seeking parents who are willing to volunteer their talents, time and passion to take RACL to the next level. In addition to serve as board or the elected position, there are still many other opportunities for volunteering at RACL. We appreciate your help to RACL on behalf of our students and parents.



Jianping Yang, Xin Fang, Steve Chen

RACL 2017 Election Committee


  1. 2017 Raleigh Academy of Chinese Language (RACL) Summer Camp

July 31st – August 4th, 2017

Building B, Apex Middle School, 400 E Moore St, Apex, NC 27502

Registration online at https://goo.gl/forms/X2sZFK1V9jz4bk1m2

  • SAT Class for Rising 7th Graders
  • SAT and ACT Preparation Class for Grades 9-11
  • College Admissions Essay Workshop for Rising 12th Graders to Prepare for the College Admission Applications

Dear Parents,

RACL will offer a week-long Summer Camp. The Camp is tentatively set as below and subject to change.

The slots are limited, please register you student as soon as possible. First come, first served!

Website: http://www.racl.org  Email: summer_camp@racl.org

Period: 7/31-8/4, 2017

Hours: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM (lunch break 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM) daily

Drop-off time: 9:00 AM; Pick-up time: 4:00 PM

Location: Building B, Apex Middle School, 400 E Moore St, Apex, NC 27502

Lunch: Students should bring their own lunches.

Summer camp classes (each class detail description and introduction to instructor will be provided later):

  1. SAT Class for Rising 7th Graders. The purpose is to help rising 7th graders prepare for the  SAT test for programs such as the Duke University Talent Identification Program (TIP) and the Johns Hopkins University Center for Talented Youth (CTY).  It is mainly focused on rising 7th graders; rising 6th and 8th graders are welcome too and they will also benefit from the Class. Will be taught by several NCSSM high-school students who have done very well on the SAT tests (>2300).
  2. SAT and ACT Preparation Class for Grades 9-11. Students to Prepare for the Reading and Writing (Grammar) Sections. Will be taught by Blair Yarborough, 7th Grade Language Arts Teacher, Daniels Global Studies Magnet Middle School.
  3. College Admissions Essay Workshop for Rising 12th Graders to Prepare for the College Admission Applications.  The Workshop is mainly focused on rising 12th graders; rising 11th and 10th graders are welcome too and they will also benefit from the workshop. Will be taught by a teacher of the RACL Activity SAT English Class.

Registration fee: Free

Tuition: $220 for SAT Class for Rising 7th Graders; $280 for SAT and ACT Preparation Class for Grades 9-11; $280 for College Admissions Essay Workshop for Rising 12th Graders to Prepare for the College Admission Applications.

Registration method: online at https://goo.gl/forms/X2sZFK1V9jz4bk1m2

Payment method: Please make check payable to Raleigh Academy of Chinese Language. Pay in office or mail to:

Attn: Summer Camp, RACL, P. O. Box 50375, Raleigh, NC 27560-6375

Refund: Refund 100% tuition if requested 4 weeks before the summer camp, 50% if requested the first day of the camp. No refund after first day of camp. 退 款 办 法:开课前四周申请退费,学费100%退还。开课第一天申请退费, 学费50%退还。开课第二天申请退费,学费恕不退还。

RACL Summer Camp Committee

  1. 大数据时代的健康调查: 4/29/2017 洛丽汉语学校 (RACL)











4/29/2017 洛丽汉语学校 (RACL)

400 E Moore St, Apex, NC 27502


4/29/2017 大三角地区画展和交流会 (华联青少年发展部主办)

Cary Towne Center at 1105 Walnut St, Cary, NC 27511


  1. 洛丽汉语学校(RACL)2017暑假 “给予爱”[美国华裔高中生农村中学初中支教活动]招募志愿者(详情参见附件:“美国华裔高中生农村中学初中支教活动报名通知”)。

支教人员共计20人,包括, 领队和付领队, 支教高中生和学生家长义工。招募志愿者面向对象是RACL的在校高中生和从RACL毕业的高中生。

截至报名日期:4/30 11:59pm

  1. CAFA夜景拍摄技巧-北美摄影大师秋桦摄影讲座

主办:北卡华人联合会 (CAFA http://cafanc.org)


地点:北卡州立大学 SAS Hall

Time:         2:30pm-4:30pm

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Address:   Room 2203, SAS Hall,  NCSU

2311 Stinson Dr, Raleigh, NC 27607

Contact:    cafaculture@gmail.com

Details: [夜景拍摄技巧-北美摄影大师秋桦摄影讲座 : https://www.meipian.cn/g58cs4c]

  1. CAFA画展–预告

诗是无形画,画是有形诗, 拿起画笔用心描绘,即是乐趣,也是陶冶。为了给喜爱绘画的青少年和艺术家们提供一个展示自己和相互认识交流的机会,将有相同爱好,共同趣味的朋友们联系在一起,相互鼓励学习。CAFA将为大三角地区的画家和青少年举办第一届画展。

时间: 4/29/2017-4/30/2017 (Saturday, Sunday)

地点:Cary Town Center

地址:1105 Walnut St, Cary, NC 27511



Maria Lu: fullstreamgarden@gmail.com,

欧阳老师: oouyang@cier-edu.com



In order to enrich the community activities & promote art exchange in Great Triangle Area,CAFA will host the First Art Exhibition for the year 2017. Exhibition will help young painters and artists interact with each other. Thus do that young painters could gain utmost benefit out of it.

Exhibition Time: 4/29-4/30

Location: Cary Town Center

Address: 1105 Walnut St, Cary, NC 27511

Anyone is welcome to participate.

Submission deadline: 4/2/2017

Please contact Maria Lu: fullstreamgarden@gmail.com, Ouyang: oouyang@cier-edu.com to register your paintings.

We encourage drawing/painting teachers, art gallery owners and chinese language schools come to recruit students during our exhibition.

We also need fundraising, If you would like to sponsor this exhibition, please contact Ping Zhang atpz102003@yahoo.com

  1. Cisco的创新竞赛活动(2017 Cisco Innovation Challenge)新闻报道

思科公司(Cisco)的亚裔组织CAAN(Connected Asian Affinity Network)发起的创新竞赛活动(2017 Cisco Innovation Challenge, also called Shark Tank Competition),4月17日在思科公司位于北卡三角园区的分部举行。洛丽汉语学校共有4组学生到场参赛,表现非常突出,并取得好成绩。特此表彰这些学生富有创造力、并勇于接受挑战和锻炼的精神和品质。详情请看新闻报道(http://ny2.uschinapress.com/2016-01-04-16-45-18/2016-01-11-19-59-37/category/4500-4-21-2017.html,link page A05) 及 (http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/TZfuDLiVrNXiCMOGAu9gLw)。

家长们普遍反映,孩子们非常乐意参加这次创新比赛,对开发他们的思维、学习团队协作、训练表达能力等,均大有裨益;并决定保持这个创新竞赛组织,定期举行活动。他们已拟好下次竞赛题目,希望在RACL picnic日进行。特别需要感谢的是学生家长马俊红。她从组队,报名,组织学生准备,参赛,及后续活动,做了大量的工作,非常辛苦,谢谢!


RACL是每位家长和每位孩子的, 谢谢所有人的支持。


Zhiping Zhang/张治平

RACL 2016-2017 校长

代表 RACL 学校执行委员会

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