RACL Principal Newsletter 5/18/2018


本周六(5/19/18)为学校开学 第十六周,为全校的补考日为5/19,  补考时间: 5/19 915am -1015am, 地点:办公室1212.  周六也是2017-2018学年的最后一天.  课外活动课除了SAT/ACT和计算机课之外在上周六已经结束。周六的计算机课从十点开始,请家长互相转告。

This Saturday (5/19/18) is the final day for 2017-2018 school year.  This Saturday is also the final exam make-up day.  Except for SAT/ACT and computer class, there will be no activity classes this Saturday.

非常感谢大家本学年对洛丽汉语学校的支持!学校PTA定于周六(5/19)在Apex Middle School 餐厅举办学年结束聚会,聚会在上午10:30开始。每个班级的老师,学生和家长坐在一起,方便大家互相熟悉和交流。学校会提供pizza, 饮料和纸巾餐具。 在家长代表的努力下,很多班级为家长,老师和小朋友准备了很丰盛的零食,水果和饮料,谢谢我们的家长代表。

RACL PTA along with language class teachers will host the end of school year celebration this Saturday.  The celebration will be at the Apex Middle school cafeteria from 10:30 am to 12:00 pm.




RACL will offer a week-long Summer Camp from August 6 to August 10, 2018.  For any interested parents and students, please see the attached file for more information.

If you are interested to attend, please register at:


洛丽汉语学校(RACL) 将在以下指定日子进行2018 年秋季学期的新老学生招生注册。

注册时间:5/19/18, 8/25/18 和 9/8/18,9:15 – 11:30 AM

在校学生请在线注册 http://apps.racl.org/,如忘记了密码, 可以按指定办法重新设置。如果还有问题,或者你要同时注册二门课外活动班,可以发电子邮件至: registration@racl.org

新学生请填写新生注册表 (见附件). 附件还有课外活动班的清单和价目表,如想了解更多的信息,请访问我们的网站: http://www.racl.org/activity-classes/

请注意: 2018915号以前注册并且缴费的学生将免收$25的注册费.


学校的日程安排与Wake County公立学校系统配套,学校日历参见 http://www.racl.org/school-calendar/.

RACL staffs will be in the school to conduct the 2018-2019 Fall Semester registration on the following dates:

5/19/18, 8/25/18 和 9/8/18,9:15 – 11:30 AM

All returning students please register on-site through the school web site.  All new students please visit the school web site ( http://www.racl.org/registration/) and fill out the new student registration form.  Bring the form with you on the first day of the class.

今年洛丽汉语学校将重回Jordan Lake(乔丹湖),在美丽的湖畔举办RACL一年一度的露营活动. 时间是六月九日(周六), 而且正好是Wake County学校期末考试周后的一天. 学校邀请您和您的家人朋友在美丽的乔丹湖边一齐共享美味的烧烤,在湖边的林中一齐露营, 共渡一个愉快轻松的周末.


时间: 周六6月9日 ;

地点: Jordan Lake , 280 State Park Road, Apex, NC 27523.




因露营场地有限, 最早报名的75个家庭将保证有露营场地. 敬请大家尽早注册.

本周六和下周六(5/19)请到学校办公室把晚餐费用交给严定先生. 参加露营的家庭必须在六月一曰之前交付晚餐的费用.

This year, RACL will return to Jordan Lake and host our Annual Camping event on Saturday, 6/9/18, the day after Wake County schools’ final exam week.

RACL picnic/camping,

Saturday 6/9/18,

Jordan Lake

Address: 280 State Park Road, Apex, NC 27523

Phone: (919) 362-0586

If you plan to attend, please register at


家长, 老师和同学们,你们在Amazon上购物时,请用以下的链接。用此链接,Amazon会给我们学校捐款。谢谢大家。

Share this linkhttp://smile.amazon.com/ch/58-2190391 and ask your donors, volunteers, employees, and friends to bookmark this link so all their eligible shopping will benefit Raleigh Academy Of Chinese Language.

RACL是每位家长和每位孩子的, 谢谢所有人的支持。 我们洛丽汉语学校见!

Lin Xu /
2017-2018 Principal

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