RACL Principal Newsletter 9/2/2016


上周六8/27/2016 是RACL 2016-2017学年开学第一天,也是RACL搬入Wake County公立学校Apex Middle School上课的第一天,各项事宜进行得非常安全,顺利,开学很成功!大量家长和学生,及全体老师和工作人员于8/20/2016学校开放参观日到校熟悉新的环境,认真准备。RACL各部门的志愿服务及工作人员对有些事情是几周甚至从上学期就已开始计划安排,花费了大量时间精力!非常感谢大家的积极参与,支持,理解与合作。


  1. 本周六 9/3/2016 劳动节无课。
  1. 下周六 9/10/2016 继续上课;同时activity classes 课外活动班上课。语言班上课时间 9:15am – 11:00am; 课外活动班上课时间11:10am – 12:00pm 或 12:55pm。希望大家不要迟到。各位家长可以根据教室分布图(http://www.racl.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/ApexMiddleClassroomMap_BuildingB.jpg)及班级安排(http://www.racl.org/class-email-groups/)找到各自学生的班级地点。我们安排义工张贴学生名单在每个教室外的墙壁上。如果您找不到教室,或者找不到您孩子名字,请问问义工或者到办公室询问。
  1. 下周六 9/10/2016注册处还会继续帮助大家完成注册。时间: 9:30am – 11:00am。
  1. Safety team 已经制定了周密的carpool, parking, safety 计划。请大家遵照执行,并服从安全人员的安排与指导。虽然Apex Middle School 的停车地点比较分散,但我们有足够的停车位供大家使用!
  1. 本学年我们的每周值班家长将会参与到学校每周开学和放学的停车场安全工作上,麻烦大家配合,家长代表都会发给值班家长们具体值班的时间和位置。如果您不是很明白,没关系,我们的safety team会帮助您。不过请您一定按时到达学校和指定岗位, 谢谢。

RACL是每位家长和每位孩子的, 谢谢所有人的支持。


Zhiping Zhang/张治平

RACL 2016-2017 校长

代表 RACL 学校执行委员会



Dear Parents, Students, Teachers, Volunteers/Staff members:

Last Saturday, 8/27/2016, was the first school day of RACL School Year 2016-2017; was also the first school day after RACL moved to Apex Middle School in Wake County Public School System. What a fantastic beginning of a new 2016-2017 RACL school year! We truly appreciate you for your participation, support, understanding, and cooperation so that to make our class/registration/school order go so smoothly and successfully.  We would remind you that

  1. RACL will have Labor Day break on 9/3/2016.
  1. RACL will resume on 9/10/2016 and all activity classes will start on the same day. All Chinese Language classes will start from 9:15am to 11:00am; all activity classes will start from 11:10am to either 12:00pm or 12:55pm.  Please find the classroom map from http://www.racl.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/ApexMiddleClassroomMap_BuildingB.jpg , and the classroom numbers from http://www.racl.org/class-email-groups/ . You can find the student list outside each classroom wall. If you can’t find the class location or your kids’ name, please go to office or ask our volunteers.
  1. Registration team will continue to help you finish your registration next week from 9:30am to 11:00am.
  1. As usual, Safety team will help parents drop their children and lead children to their language class. We ask parents to follow their guidance when entering/leaving the school. If you prefer to Park and Stay, we have enough parking lots for you!
  1. Our on duty classroom-parents will help school safety team at parking lot during the school traffic hours. Your room parents will send you the on-duty time and your position. Please let our safety team member know if you have any concerns on your responsibility or the location.

Thank you for supporting RACL!



Zhiping Zhang/张治平

RACL 2016-2017 Principal

on behalf of RACL executive committee

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