RACL Principal Week 5 Newsletter

Dear RACL families, volunteers and staffs,

本周六9/19,洛丽汉语学校正常上课。 感谢safety team,PTA和各位值班家长的支持,RACL上下学car pool系统运行地井然有序。也感谢家长们的配合,我们可以提供安静安全的学习环境给我们的孩子。

针对Raleigh Charter High School的一些规章制度,学校想提醒家长和同学注意一下几点:

  1. 请家长准时(9:10am)送孩子来上学,如果你的孩子迟到,将来会影响学期末综合成绩。
  2. 中文课和activity课上课期间,请家长们离开教室走道和二楼楼梯,请在学校一楼大厅或者室外等候,也请大家小声说话。
  3. 请家长12:45pm前必须接走你的孩子。如果12:45pm 你没有来接孩子,学校工作人员会收取你$10/minute 的额外费用替你照看孩子。
  4. RCHS高中会在1:00pm 关门包括停车场要清空。RACL工作人员必须带你的孩子离开学校,请你和校长联系接孩子,请你支付RACL工作人员babysitting的费用$50。


1041 Washington St, Raleigh, NC 27605  (Methodist Home For Children)


9月19日,北卡大三角区第二届龙舟文化节将在凯瑞市隆重举行。洛丽汉语学校(RACL)和CAFA 联合组队参与龙舟赛的角逐。期待您和家人朋友在本周六齐聚KOKA BOOTH AMPHITHEATRE,欣赏文化演出,风味美食的同时也为RACL的龙舟队呐喊助威。



时间:9月19日 9:00 AM—4:30 PM


8003 Regency Park Pkwy, Cary, North Carolina 27518




Xin Fang/方馨


We will have normal class on Saturday, Sept. 19. With the help of safety team and all on-duty parents, our carpool system now runs much smoother and faster.

In order to improve our education environment, we would like to remind all parents to follow RACL rules.

  1. Please send you kids to school on time. Late for classes will impact your kid’s grade at EOG.
  2. Please stay in the lobby area during the class periods for both language class and activity class. Please lower your voice during the class.
  3. Please pick up you kid(s) on time. Please don’t let your kid waiting for you after 12:45pm. We will charge $10 per minute after 12:45pm. Please plan to make the payment when you pick up your kids late.
  4. Raleigh Charter High School and its parking lot will be closed at 1:00pm. If you don’t come to pick up your kid, your kid will have to leave school with our staff. Please contact principal for picking up your kids and you will be charged extra $50 for late pick up.

If you still have problem to find our school, please input following address to your phone or GPS system.

1041 Washington St, Raleigh, NC 27605  (address of Methodist Home For Children)


Dragon Boat Festival will be on  September 19 from 9:00am to 4:30pm.  It’s  open to the public with free admission and free parking. RACL and CAFA will have  a joint team in  the  boat racing competition.  It would be a great event for families and friends.


8003 Regency Park Pkwy, Cary, North Carolina 27518



Xin Fang/方馨,
2015-2016 Principal

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